Free counselling camp

Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university By Mehwish Tariq “Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university” Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university . Face to face session with students. Discussion related mental illnesses and stigmas attatched to it . In collaboration with miss Masooma Ijaz CEO lets Talk #letsbreakthestigma #worldmentalhealthday […]

Awareness Session

Awareness Session at Captain Muazzam Ali Shaheed Hospital Jhelum By Mehwish Tariq “Awareness Session at Captain Muazzam Ali Shaheed Hospital Jhelum ” Attended by Families , Doctors ,Hospital Staff and Medical Respresentatives Topics Discussed Mental Health issues & thier symptoms. Addiction Problems in youth and how parents can Aware . Mental health and work relationship. […]

Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction

Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction By Hammad Khalid “Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction” Topic Discussed: Mental Health and Addictions issues in Pakistan Feedback & Discussion of Participants: Depression and concept of depression in youth. Depression and increase suicide rate in youth specially students. Venue: Quaid-i-Azam school of Management sciences […]