Free counselling camp

Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university By Mehwish Tariq “Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university” Free counselling camp in Quaid e Azam university . Face to face session with students. Discussion related mental illnesses and stigmas attatched to it . In collaboration with miss Masooma Ijaz CEO lets Talk #letsbreakthestigma #worldmentalhealthday […]

Awareness session

Awareness session about mental health issues By Hammad Khalid “Awareness session about mental health issues” Awareness session about mental health issues that a person may face in life and how the sufferer is in dire need of moral support . Awareness session about mental health issues that a person may face in life and how […]

Awareness Session

Awareness Session at Captain Muazzam Ali Shaheed Hospital Jhelum By Mehwish Tariq “Awareness Session at Captain Muazzam Ali Shaheed Hospital Jhelum ” Attended by Families , Doctors ,Hospital Staff and Medical Respresentatives Topics Discussed Mental Health issues & thier symptoms. Addiction Problems in youth and how parents can Aware . Mental health and work relationship. […]

Peaceful walk for the rights of psychologists

Lets break the stigma Peaceful walk for the rights of psychologists from Gujranwala Supporting mental health. By Mehwish Tariq “Lets break the stigma Peaceful walk for the rights of psychologists from Gujranwala Supporting mental health.” Lets break the stigma Peaceful walk for the rights of psychologists from Gujranwala Supporting mental health. Our Coordinater Aman ullah […]

Discussion of youth mental health with students, housewives and mothers

Discussion of youth mental health with students, housewives and mothers By Hammad Khalid “Discussion of youth mental health with students, housewives and mothers” A thouroughly informative and interactive discussion was conducted by “Hometown Community Foundation” regarding mental health issues and addiction problems in youth & children. The event was attended by professionals, students, housewives and […]

Discussion on the Socio-economical factors causing intolerance among young generation

Discussion on the Socio-economical factors causing intolerance among young generation By Muhammad Ather “Socio-economical factors causing intolerance among Young Generation” A fact finding discussion on the socio-economical factors causing intolerance among young generation.  Organized by HTCF Coordinator M. Athar at Softenviro R&D Center Faisalabad. Spread the word Facebook Twitter Google-plus Linkedin Snapchat

Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction

Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction By Hammad Khalid “Brief Awareness Session On Mental Health and Addiction” Topic Discussed: Mental Health and Addictions issues in Pakistan Feedback & Discussion of Participants: Depression and concept of depression in youth. Depression and increase suicide rate in youth specially students. Venue: Quaid-i-Azam school of Management sciences […]


Participation To make GREEN and CLEAN PAKISTAN By Hammad Khalid “Participation To make GREEN and CLEAN PAKISTAN” Home Town Community Foundation Pakistan adopted a Lawn at DIH (Sanatzar) Faisalabad. Mr. Khalid Bashir Deputy Director Social Welfare inaugurated the event. Mr. Athar Abbas from HTCFP and Mr. M. Saleem Balandia Manager Sanatzar were also pressnt at […]

Awarness Session

Awareness Session on Mental Health & Substance Abuse By Mehwish Tariq “Awareness seminar on mental health and substance abuse by hometown community foundation” Started this beautiful journey with my hometown ,my first school . When you grab your roots strongly you can go to ur highs . Our very own HOMETOWN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION took its first […]